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Kyle Francis is teh suck

By Arthur Schmidt

Editor, the Gauntlet,[Re: “Supporting the unborn could support the economy,” March 30, 2006] Kyle Francis, I am disappointed in you. Campus Pro-Life was not calling for criminalising abortion. You are blowing smoke.Here’s the abortion debate in a nutshell: If one doesn’t want a baby the baby’s life has no intrinsic value. If one wants the… Continue reading Kyle Francis is teh suck

Online Exclusive: Letter: Muslim feature awesome

By Arthur JC Schmidt

Editor, the Gauntlet, [Re: “The Muslim,” Sarah Malik, Nov. 9, 16, and 23, 2006] In her article series, Ms. Malik expresses a feeling of injustice done to her community, and rightly so in a number of cases. One is also made aware that she sees as incorrect the western world’s perception of her faith and… Continue reading Online Exclusive: Letter: Muslim feature awesome

Letter: Seeking Soapbox

By Arthur JC Schmidt

[Re: “The Muslim,” Sarah Malik, Nov. 9, 2006] In the spirit of equality please provide for the Jewish and Christian communities on campus to write as extensively on their self-understanding as you have the Muslims. Arthur JC Schmidt [Editor’s note: Our volunteer base is open to all members of the university community.]