We found 7 results for your search.

Wannabe Mozarts get chance at fame

By Marie-Claire Backhaus

Orchestra music brings to mind long dead middle-aged white males with unruly hair. The chance to see an orchestra play anything but Mozart, Chopin or Beethoven is a rarity. Here at the University of Calgary, the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra will give students a chance to hear something different when the CPO performs a read (a… Continue reading Wannabe Mozarts get chance at fame

Stunning satire deserves awards

By Marie-Claire Backhaus

In today’s world, discrimination still exists. The fear of reprimands from discrimination causes people to overcompensate by being excessively politically correct. Spike Lee’s Bamboozled questions the idea of race in the television industry. This movie often takes us to the edge of social taboo in regards to "race." It handles controversial comedic matters, tough racial… Continue reading Stunning satire deserves awards

Here comes the night

By Marie-Claire Backhaus

The world is a dark place. Solving murders, gang hits and drug deals gone bad is just part of the job–police detective David Grey’s job. The line between good and bad in Grey’s world is smudged. Under this blanket of numbness comes protection from the horror in the comic Midnight Nation. What is the truth… Continue reading Here comes the night

Prickly seats

Mark Counsell is back on the Students’ Legislative Council. The former Operations and Finance Commissioner spent the 2002-2003 academic year away from politics and failed to regain his post in this February’s election. Counsell replaces acclaimed Academic Commissioner Marie-Claire Backhaus who resigned in May. After Counsell was sworn in at the Tue., June 3 SLC… Continue reading Prickly seats

Election results


SU General Elections 2003 ResultsPresidentEl-Rafih, Mohamed- 550Gilchrist, Jayna- 1383Gould, Kyle- 563Blatch, Christopher D.- 394 VP Academic Nicolaides, Demetrios- (Acclaimed) VP External Batiuk, Lauren- 1841 Doig, Kari E.- 875 VP Events Bailey, Lawrence- 1038 Bergen, Richard “Krafty”- 1113 Patel, Anant- 720 VP Op-Fi Kotwell, Tanya- 927 Pearce, Brett J.- 807 Preston, Gavin C.- 1064 Academic Commission… Continue reading Election results