SU FEES: What the hell are you paying for?

The Students’ Union General Fee ($33.00 FT / $14.50 PT)

This fee pays for MacEwan Student Centre and subsidize the operating costs of the SU.

NUTV ($3.50 FT / $3.25 PT)

This fee is used for general operating expenses of the student television station.

CJSW ($4.00 FT / $4.00 PT)

This fee helps to pay for the operation and maintenance of the autonomous student radio station.

Gauntlet ($3.50 FT / $1.75 PT)

These funds are turned over to the autonomous student newspaper.

Volunteer Services ($.75 FT / $.50 PT)

This fee is used to subsidize SU Volunteer Services.

Student Legal Assistance ($1.75 FT / $1.75 PT)

This levy is turned over to an autonomous body which delivers free legal services to students.

Refugee Student Program ($.50 FT/ $.00 PT)

Monies accumulated through this fee are used to sponsor refugee students at the U of C.

Academic Travel ($1.00 FT / $.50 PT)

Monies accumulated through this levy are used to help fund clubs and individual students attend conferences and other events of an academic nature.

Committee of 10,000 ($.50 FT / $.00 PT)

This money funds projects of a developmental, charitable or relief nature.

Access Fee ($1.00 FT / $.50 PT)

Approved by students in March 1995, this fee will fund initiatives that help remove physical and educational barriers for students with disabilities.

Career Services ($2.00 FT / $2.00 PT)

Students also voted in March 1995 to contribute funds towards Career Services. The Centre is now a financial and administrative partnership between students and the university.

Library Assistance Fee ($5.00 FT / $2.50 PT)

This money is paid to the library to help provide more student services as well as order new materials.

Student Peer Assistance Bursary Fee ($10.00 FT / $7.00 PT)

This fee establishes a bursary fund to support students experiencing financial difficulties. It is optional and students can opt out when they register.