Well, it finally happened. America looks to be slowly joining the growing number of nations that allow same-sex marriage. Now, I’ll spare you my regular “it’s about damn time” argument, complete with moral positions regarding equal treatment, freedom and the like. Of course I’m ecstatic that President Barack Obama looks to have taken the first… Continue reading The state of America’s same-sex unions
Results for "Andrew Varsanyi"
Letter: Radio censorship
Andrew Varsanyi’s article [“Education must replace the censorship of music,” Jan. 20] about the recent Dire Straits ruling leaves out key facts that would have helped readers better understand the ramifications of this decision. The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council is not a government agency — it is an independent organization set up by private broadcasting… Continue reading Letter: Radio censorship
Education must replace the censorship of music
That’s it, I’m seriously done. This political correctness thing has gone too far. I know it’s not very Canadian of me. I know we’re the Superman of toleration, the Mecca of diversity and respect and all that. But after last week’s Canadian Broadcast Standards Council ruling that the Dire Straits classic “Money for Nothing” has… Continue reading Education must replace the censorship of music
Citizenship: a matter of principle
After hearing this week that some Republicans in the newly-elected American House of Representatives are pushing a law to abolish the “automatic citizenship” clause in the United States Constitution, preventing children of illegal immigrants from receiving American citizenship, I came to a rather odd realization. Republicans are always talking about the “founding fathers” and the… Continue reading Citizenship: a matter of principle
Online exclusive: A recipe for a massacre
The news of the terrible shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and several others in Tucson, Arizona on Saturday added a new shocking dimension to the already tumultuous American political calculus. Whether left or right, Democrat or Republican, an unfortunate truth was demonstrated — in a society where political rhetoric often purports to be absolute truth… Continue reading Online exclusive: A recipe for a massacre
Mind fight: Is WikiLeaks a source of good?
YesAs Beatlemania and Watergate were products of their time, the WikiLeaks furor wouldn’t be possible at any other point in history. Besides the nihilistic hedonism our generation indulges in, we can also boast that our access to information is at an unprecedented high. However, it has been the common practice of the “establishment”– to use… Continue reading Mind fight: Is WikiLeaks a source of good?
Cowards! Real leadership is needed in America
I have to be honest, I’m generally a pretty cynical person. Now, I think I’m officially depressed. The recent developments regarding the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy — the head-in-the-sand policy that prohibits gay American soldiers from admitting they’re gay and the military from asking them — leads me to nothing short of total despair.… Continue reading Cowards! Real leadership is needed in America
Republicans crash their own party
Sitting in the crowd at MacEwan Hall on Wednesday Nov. 3 was a little strange. The day after historic losses by the Democrats in the midterm elections, Howard Dean and Fred Thompson addressed assembled students, business people and policy wonks. What they had to say was a little unexpected. Thompson, the former Republican senator from… Continue reading Republicans crash their own party