Results for "Daorcey Le Bray"
Women’s volleyball
The University of Calgary Dinos women’s volleyball team is currently on track to make the Canada West playoffs again this season, something the program has accomplished every year for over a decade. The Dinos’s 2011–12 season came to an abrupt end in a best-of- three CW quarterfinal to the Trinity Western University Spartans two… Continue reading Women’s volleyball
Volleysaurs pushed to extinction
“Dino Extinction Tour.” It’s a popular shirt for $20 in the University of Alberta gym. The simple white tee sports a fossilized Rex and the dates the Dinos men’s volleyball team meet the University of Alberta Golden Bears this season. Hurtful enough to make a Dinos fan angry. True enough to make him cry. Jan.… Continue reading Volleysaurs pushed to extinction
Prepare for the Megalecture
For 600 students, the “Megalecture” has arrived at the University of Calgary, with all its benefits and challenges. COMS 363, Professional and Technical Communication, teaches students from Management to Engineering a hands-on and inquiry-based approach to rhetorical theory, writing and presentation skills. Last year, the course, which is required by many degrees, was taught in… Continue reading Prepare for the Megalecture
Mozart returns to the mountain and Beethoven hits the bottle
Seven thousand three hundred people at a sold-out show. Not bad for the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, an organization that sat in artistic limbo for months last year as it struggled to keep afloat financially. Musicians had nowhere to play while a skeleton administrative crew worked against time and the odds to prepare a plan for… Continue reading Mozart returns to the mountain and Beethoven hits the bottle
Universal Crucible
For director Darold Roles, Arthur Miller’s The Crucible rings just as true today as it did 50 years ago when it dramatized the Salem witch hunts in the 1600s to critique the McCarthy trials of the 1950s. This latest production, presented by the University of Calgary’s Department of Drama, has a contemporary meaning that is… Continue reading Universal Crucible
Letters, the Editor
As a dance student myself, I have learned many of the qualities and aspects of contemporary dance that a critic would look for in a contemporary dance performance. I noticed that all but one of these qualities were missing from Daorcey Le Bray’s critique. The one aspect that Le Bray did include was that of… Continue reading Letters, the Editor
Dance office initiates student letter campaign
Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: “Reworked Masterpiece,” Oct. 3, 2002. On Monday, Oct. 7, I picked up a copy of the Gauntlet to read the review on Sharp Edges. To my disappointment, I found an article which shredded most of the show. In the arts community, bad reviews can be part of the business; however, critics usually… Continue reading Dance office initiates student letter campaign
John Wort Hannam and the Sound Merchants Pocket Full of Holes
The surprise about Pocket Full of Holes is that it doesn’t fall for the trap that capture most folk bands–the music actually has some variance. On their debut album, John Wort Hannam and the Sound Merchants produce a handful of honest, sentimental songs with a wide range of emotions, themes and sounds that are a… Continue reading John Wort Hannam and the Sound Merchants Pocket Full of Holes
Modern theatres sell sizzle
We would’ve tuned out long ago. We should’ve tuned out long ago. But of course we didn’t. The entertainment industry has crawled under our skin like a desert beetle and refused to let us divorce our minds from its grip. What I speak of is the slow and pathetic demise of the classic Hollywood film… Continue reading Modern theatres sell sizzle