Editor, the GauntletMy name is Kelly St. Jean and I am the other student senator that was removed from the [U of C] senate in 2001. Not that it matters after this many years, nor does it surprise me what happened to [Student Senator Nick] Vuckovic. My story is simple: I too, was ill and… Continue reading Sickness forbidden in senate
Results for "Kelly St. Jean"
Vuckovic removed from Senate
By Natalie Sit
Student Senator Nick Vuckovic has been removed from the University of Calgary Senate by the Students’ Union for failing to give a required report to council. Vuckovic claims the removal defames his character. He is also angry a serious three-month illness was not considered during the motion.Vuckovic was scheduled to speak at the Tue., Apr.… Continue reading Vuckovic removed from Senate
Unofficial Elected and Acclaimed Positions for the 2000 SU General Election
Elected President: Tyler Brekko – 342 Faisal Rana – 770 Toby White – 1115 ** VP Academic Mark Hoekstra – 1562 ** Brent Robinson – 555 VP Events d’Arhcangelo, Alix – 1347 ** Woolgar, Kyle – 731 Academic Commission Dempsey, Erika – 1135 ** Larsen, Jon – 832 ** Porco, Nicolas – 927 ** Sutherland,… Continue reading Unofficial Elected and Acclaimed Positions for the 2000 SU General Election