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By Valen Zha
In an orgy of drinking, celebration and congratulatory cheer, the Gauntlet staff consumed a record $970 worth of booze and nachos on its annual election night."You guys drank us $30 short of a thousand dollars," said incoming Editor-in-Chief Kris Kotarski. "What were you guys thinking and why was I sober?"For reasons unexplained, both Kotarski and… Continue reading FUBAR
By Jeremy Zhao
Mount Royal’s new university designation has caused confusion for those navigating university transfer programs. MRU has been restructuring its programs and working on new degrees as part of its transition to a university, but there’s been concern about the impact on transfer agreements between the institution and the University of Calgary. Elaine Wong, U of… Continue reading MRU status results in transfer confusion
Loathe as we are to admit it, we at the Academic Probation section of the Gauntlet are aware that we hold in our bosom a sacrosanct and ancient duty, an oath to society as old as our democracy itself. We, as journalists, are the ones who must stand up and be total dicks when the… Continue reading The Great Campaign Riff
By Christian Louden
A heated debate in the academic forum kicked off the first of seven Students’ Union general election debates, Mon., Feb. 5. While all five academic commissioner candidates agreed on most issues, four of the candidates argued against a proposition put forward by commissioner candidate Alastair MacKinnon. MacKinnon proposed an initiative to implement universal citation across… Continue reading SU academic hopefuls duke it out over citation methods