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Winners win SU by-election

By John Leung Chun-Yin

The voice of the people has spoken, electing three new members of the student government in last week’s Students’ Union by-election.In the race to fill the vacant Academic Commissioner position on the Students’ Legislative Council, Adam Daly defeated his closest rival Dalmy Baez by a 29-vote margin, 286 to 257, with Richard Rawnsley running a… Continue reading Winners win SU by-election

By-election cometh

By John Leung Chung-Yin

Nominations have closed in this year’s Students’ Union by-election.Eight candidates will vie to fill vacancies in the contested seats and one seat will be left vacant.“Nomination activity was relatively busy for a quiet by-election, and faculty representatives were acclaimed for Education, Humanities and Nursing positions,” explained Chief Returning Officer Mike Brown. Three candidates will vie… Continue reading By-election cometh

SU by-election strikes back

By John Leung Chung-Yin

As regular as your Grandpa on Metamucil, October brings the Students’ Union by-election.On Oct. 11-13, students will be asked to fill the vacancies existing in the Students’ Legislative Council and the Students’ Academic Assembly.The single Academic Commi-ssioner in SLC will be elected at-large by the student body, while the six Faculty Representatives in SAA will… Continue reading SU by-election strikes back

Lewis remembered

By John Leung Chung-Yin

Approximately 100 individuals gathered in the MacEwan Student Centre Ballroom on Tue., Apr. 12 to remember and give thanks for the life of Michael Lewis, a Political Science graduate student who went missing on Feb. 4. Lewis’ body was found Mar. 8 in the Bow River. He was 25 years old. Four colleagues and faculty… Continue reading Lewis remembered

Dinos Athletics in quasi-jeopardy

By John Leung Chung-Yin

After a lengthy debate at the Students’ Union Students’ Legislative Council meeting on Tue., Jan. 18, the long-awaited Dinos Athletics levy increase plebiscite question was voted onto the SU General Election ballot. For full-time students, the fee increase would raise the Dinos Athletics levy from the current $33.50 to $39.50 for the 2005-2006 academic year,… Continue reading Dinos Athletics in quasi-jeopardy

Travel Supplement Introduction

By Lawrence Bailey

The contents of this supplement are a little immature, especially as far as travel goes, considering the bulk of the authors and photographers are new to the game. Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia… these are not the Himalayas, Burundi or even Russia. Most of your friendly neighbourhood student journalists are not that different than… Continue reading Travel Supplement Introduction

I wanna be like Jean

By Bonnie Leung

The Magna Scholarship Fund is offering its annual $10,000 As Prime Minister Awards to students across Canada to come up with new ideas to improve the country. According to Magna of Canada Scholarships Managing Director Joan Crocker, students can enter the competition until June 5. "Students write an essay whichis 2,500 words," she said. "After… Continue reading I wanna be like Jean

Beyond 101

By Michael Leung

Hey big roller, I’ve got some odds for you on the next school year. Looking for a good bet? It’s all right here, baby. Right here. See, in my wisened state-imbued through years of study at this institution-I know certain things are inevitable in a school year. Certain things happen every year that piss us… Continue reading Beyond 101