We found 29 results for your search.

Got insurance?

By Salima Bhanji

Your prize possessions are summed up in one box, containing no more than a single saucepan, four plates, a stereo from back when they were called “ghetto blasters” and the cutlery you “liberated” from Earls last summer. So why would you want renter’s insurance? If you think you don’t, here are some reasons it could… Continue reading Got insurance?

Sikh Awareness Week

By Salima Stanley-Bhanji

The University of Calgary Sikh community meets every Wednesday to practice Simran — the realization which is the highest aspect and purpose in one’s life. This week — March 12-16 — is Sikh Awareness Week, part of the Students’ Union’s Culture Month initiative. Sikh Awareness Week promotes Sikhism through film, music and conversation. Events during… Continue reading Sikh Awareness Week

City one step closer to living wage

By Daniel Pagan

Vibrant Communities Calgary presented its case for a living wage at the Finance and Corporate Services standing policy committee Wednesday. The committee passed the report, which gave the city three options for how to proceed on the issue. However, critics like the Winnipeg-based Frontier Centre for Public Policy are calling it a symbolic idea that… Continue reading City one step closer to living wage

Communist speaks out

By Salima Stanley-Bhanji

As the third oldest political party in Canada with its origins dating to the 1920s, the Communist Party of Canada is about 600 members strong and includes Canada’s youngest election candidate, Anna-Celestrya Carr in the Winnipeg Centre riding. The party’s campaign slogan urges Canadians to “Put people before profits!”Miguel Figueroa, leader of the Communist Party… Continue reading Communist speaks out