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By Sarah Stall
In their best game of the season so far, the University of Calgary Dinos defeated the University of Manitoba Bisons 34-31 on Sept. 22. Compared with the week before, the entire team came out with a different attitude and followed through with their game. The Bisons entered the match ranked seventh in the Canadian Interuniversity… Continue reading Dinos shear Bisons after T-Bird debacle
By Sarah Stall
Snappy I love the Olympics, the perseverance of athletes from all over the world, the showcase of a country I have not travelled to and the hospitality of people who have a culture all their own. So then, tell me this: why does NBC have to be so impotent in their Olympic coverage? There is… Continue reading The CBC Olympics: crappy or snappy? – Snappy
By Sarah Stall
The Dinos played in front of more than 5,000 people at their homecoming game last Friday–all of whom probably had better things to do than watch the Dinos mess up many golden opportunities. The Dinos lost to the University of British Columbia Thunderbirds 17-9 in a game that player Dean Fischer called, "frustrating." Coming into… Continue reading Homecoming blunder
By Sarah Stall
In the important second game of the season, the Dinos defeated the reigning Canada West champions, the University of Saskatchewan Huskies, 27-23 at Griffith Stadium in Saskatoon. The Huskies started the scoring with a field goal 10 minutes into the game. The Dinos instantly moved into scoring mode, quickly responding with a field goal of… Continue reading Football Dinos upset Huskies
By Sarah Stall
The Canada West defensive player of the week is none other than the Dinos’ David Swagar. While talking at practice with Swagar, he admitted that football is his life, and he certainly shows it. A team leader both on and off the field, this graduating kinesiology major has an aptitude for life. His teammates definitely… Continue reading Swagger in his step: A profile of David Swagar
By Sarah Dorchak
The Taylor Family Digital Library has incorporated the software TeamSpot into its workrooms in an effort to enable more efficient collaboration for students. The TFDL currently offers around 30 workrooms for students, each with a portal for TeamSpot.
Paul Pival, public services systems librarian at the TFDL, explained that TeamSpot was chosen in an effort… Continue reading TFDL offers TeamSpot to help students get along
By Erin Shumlich
MacEwan Student Centre is the heart of the University of Calgary. An average of 30,000 people eat, study or socialize in MSC every day. With 20 food vendors, three restaurants and two convenience stores, MSC is a lifeline for U of C students. Health and safety standards need to be met in a building as… Continue reading Critical concerns about MacHall kitchens
By Joshua Goard-Baker
Action workhorse Jason Statham is back in his old kick-butt ways, sporting the same ol’ black suit and black Audi to match in the third installment of the Transporter series. Statham is, as usual, charged with traversing the mean streets of Marseilles with only his fists, rippling abs and car as weapons. No matter the… Continue reading Statham does what he does best in Transporter 3
By Alan Cho
Among the promises to enlarge your penis and offers for limited edition Hungarian stamps sure to enlarge your penis, you may have heard, “Somebody gonna get a hurt real bad.” Forwarded to you by a co-worker or sent in an IM littered with so many “LOLs” you become a suspected pedophile, this snippet of hilarity… Continue reading Comedy Preview: Russell Peters won’t a hurt you real bad
By Anna Rozwadowska
Being a huge Lord of the Rings and J. R.R. Tolkien fan, I will be the first to agree, with both hands clapping, that the Lord of the Rings movies released thus far are visual masterpieces. With amazing dialogue, casting, production, effects, and direction, both films should be held highly in the world of Oscar… Continue reading A lesson to be learned