In her platform, Julie Labonte promotes a more affordable, genuinely accessible university education, looking to capitalize on lobbying efforts with the minority federal government and the provincial government. She sincerely wants to use the VP external position to be an effective lobbyist and advocate for undergraduate students.Intolerant of infighting, Labonte sets herself apart with her… Continue reading VP External: Julie Labonte
Tag: Vp External
VP External: Michael Soron
Without a doubt, Michael Soron possesses the qualifications necessary to take on the VP external position. He had a chance this year to get some first-hand lobbying experience on a recent trip to Ottawa as an external commissioner. This background should help him execute his comprehensive platform, which focuses on getting the provincial government to… Continue reading VP External: Michael Soron
VP External: Jen Smith
Jen Smith is a well-spoken, informed and experienced candidate for VP External. Her ideas are strong, well thoughtout, realistic and she has the gumption to fight for them. Smith displays an intimate knowledge of the lobbying avenues available to the VP External and has concrete plans on how to best utilize them. Her intentions to… Continue reading VP External: Jen Smith
VP External: Jeromy Farkas
For a first year student with no relevant experience or ideas, Jeromy Farkas should have run for a commissioner position rather than VP External. Farkas says in his platform he wants to fulfill the VP External duties as prescribed by the SU by-laws. Unfortunately, he has no idea what those responsibilities are. A good VP… Continue reading VP External: Jeromy Farkas
VP External: Daniel Monzon
Dan Monzon is a fairly well researched, sincere and passionate candidate for VP External. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have enough experience or knowledge about the workings and function of the SU to get his extensive ideas realized.In his platform, Monzon identifies a huge number of optimistic ideas, but lacks the plans to implement them. Among other… Continue reading VP External: Daniel Monzon
VP External: Jesse Chahal
Jessie Chahal is a confident candidate for VP External. He is a strong speaker and has a good understanding of the ins, outs and issues related to his portfolio. Unfortunately, according to Chahal’s platform and rhetoric, he will only be bringing a few new ideas to the VP External position. The first of these is… Continue reading VP External: Jesse Chahal