It’s time once again to open your wallets and show how much you love your campus radio station.
The last week of October is when CJSW traditionally holds its annual funding drive, and–surprise, surprise–1999 is no exception.
"This is our 15th funding drive," explained newly-hired Station Manager Jamie Frederick. "We started in 1985, which was our first year on FM."
CJSW’s new advertising campaign calls it, "The little station that could" and features a Japanese bullet train. The funding drive provides most of the fuel for said train.
"It basically accounts for 100 per cent of our capital expenses," said Frederick.
The station’s capital budget supplies all its new equipment and maintenance, from cd and record players to digital editing machines. This year’s proceeds will also help CJSW make some important technological advances.
"We’re devoting some of the proceeds to the transition to digital radio, which will happen in the next two to 10 years," said Frederick.
The drive consists of a number of elements, but revolves around the airwaves.
"We have our usual on-air drive," noted Frederick. "Beginning at noon on Oct. 22, until 6 p.m. on Oct. 29, the djs will be on-air, asking for support."
There are eight off-air "Live-Drive" events as well, including Mystery Celebrity Karaoke at the Night Gallery, a Public Enemy show at the MacEwan Hall Ballroom , and the famous Wrap-up Party, also at the Night Gallery. This year’s wrap-up will feature local bands performing their favourite Cowtown classics (covers of other local bands), with the highlight being a reunion show by Forbidden Dimension’s original 1989 lineup.
Any donation of $25 or more gets you a Friends of CJSW card, which in turn gets you lots of deals around town. Donations of more than that can land you a hoodie, a toque or a bucket hat. A warm glow, too, comes with a donation of any size.
"CJSW provides many things," stated Frederick. "The most important being commercial-free radio. In order to continue to provide that, we ask listeners to pledge anything they can afford."
Pledges can be phoned in anytime, day or night, during the funding drive to 220-8998 (or, as Frederick suggests, 220-vwyt).