A new way to measure NHL talent

By Justin Azevedo

Hockey recently increased its math requirement. The game has a new way of doing business that mirrors baseball’s Moneyball — adapted as a film starring Brad Pitt. Moneypuck, as the hockey version is called, is a statistically-oriented system designed to increase spending efficiency in hockey. The purpose of these systems is to use advanced statistics… Continue reading A new way to measure NHL talent

Quebecers fighting for a sustainable economy

By Paul Murphy

In a developed and democratic nation, accessible post-secondary education is a necessity because, as Benjamin Barber put it, “the competence to participate in democratic communities, the ability to think critically and act deliberately in a pluralistic world, the empathy that permit us to hear and thus accommodate others, all involve skills that must be acquired.”… Continue reading Quebecers fighting for a sustainable economy

Editorial: Nenshi tweets it big time

By Gauntlet Editorial Board

Twitter is not kind to politicians. The convenience provided by the platform, combined with the thousands of guaranteed followers that come with being an elected official, makes it all too easy for a politician to broadcast a career-ending faux pas to the masses. As a result, the Twitter accounts of most politicians are almost always… Continue reading Editorial: Nenshi tweets it big time

UPass now available for summer

By Justin Azevedo

The University of Calgary and the Students’ Union will now allow full-time spring and summer students access to the Calgary Transit upass. Originally, the plan was to implement the summer upass prior to the spring semester in 2011, but a timing discrepancy between the su, the University’s Board of Governors and Calgary Transit prevented the… Continue reading UPass now available for summer

Afghanistan Awareness Week

Hana Kadri, Amy Glassman, Leila Farhat and Arezo Diljam at Roots of Hope, a workshop held for Afghanistan Awareness Week on March 27. All funds raised during the week-long event will go toward Coins for Peace, an effort by the Afghan Canadian Students’ Association and World University Service of Canada, which raises funds for education… Continue reading Afghanistan Awareness Week

Engineering representative resigns

By Susan Anderson

Engineering representative John McDonald resigned on March 20 from his position on the Student Legislative Council. According to the University of Calgary Students’ Union bylaws, all representatives need to be enrolled in at least one class to be a faculty representative. McDonald is not registered in classes this winter semester. su vice-president academic Ola Mohajer… Continue reading Engineering representative resigns