Women’s basketball finishes semester on top

By Ashton Chugh

The Dinos basketball teams played their final games of the semester against the Brandon University Bobcats in back-to-back home games on Nov. 29–30. The women’s team snuck out of the first game with a close 66–64 on a clutch buzzer-beating shot by fifth-year guard Tamara Jarrett. In game two, the Dinos sent the Bobcats home… Continue reading Women’s basketball finishes semester on top

Admin building displays university’s poor priorities

By Kalista Sherbaniuk

President Elizabeth Cannon’s office will now be 400 square feet with an additional 175 square foot bathroom. With this new office, Cannon will be able to have two homes, or perhaps she’ll just move into her office permanently. Maybe we can find more in the budget to make a little kitchen for her. Better yet,… Continue reading Admin building displays university’s poor priorities

Instant noodles — a destructive but tasty brew

By Tina Shaygan

You may have questioned just how unhealthy instant noodles really are. Is this just another undergraduate myth, like a fictitious hangover remedy? Well, it turns out instant noodles really are terrible for you — you might as well pump salt into your veins. Instant ramen, instant rice, frozen entrees and so on have charmed their… Continue reading Instant noodles — a destructive but tasty brew

Why November is the suckiest month of all

By Taryn Mahoney

November, formerly a month of mind-numbing sluggishness, has now become a mad scramble of planning to buy things we can’t afford while attempting to work off that extra turkey weight. Being a broke student never stings more than in November, when nothing alleviates the sad reality of trying to justify that costly female Spock Halloween… Continue reading Why November is the suckiest month of all

Sacrificing academic integrity for funding

By Gauntlet Editorial Board

A report by the Canadian Association of University Teachers recently revealed that the U of C has signed deals that essentially give corporate donors veto-power over where their research grants are spent. This report has brought the U of C’s reputation into question. Academic institutions have a responsibility to provide an education free from private… Continue reading Sacrificing academic integrity for funding

New report shows strong corporate influence on U of C research

By Chris Adams

The University of Calgary signed two research deals, with the last finalized in 2007, that jeopardize the academic integrity of the school, a report from the Canadian Association of University Teachers says. The report claims control of U of C budgets and research is ceded to corporations under two agreements called the Alberta Ingenuity Centre… Continue reading New report shows strong corporate influence on U of C research

Task force asks students about technology

By Riley Hill

A new task force is asking students what kind of technology they want to use in the classroom. And so far, they’ve had little response. The task force for teaching and learning was created to determine what type of technology will be used in future University of Calgary classrooms. As Students’ Union vice-president academic Emily… Continue reading Task force asks students about technology

SU looks for new social work representative

By Riley Hill

The Students’ Union is looking for a new faculty of social work representative after the former rep, Michael Rhys Davies, stepped down last month. From the applicants, a select few will be chosen for interviews with SU executives. The executives will then nominate one candidate who must be approved in a general vote at Student… Continue reading SU looks for new social work representative