
By Meghan Beveridge

Amidst the angst of love comes Comatised by Leona Naess. Though the perpetual love-and-relationship theme may be a little heart-wrenching for love-phobes, the album is a refreshing change from the many broken-hearted songs in existence.

Songs such as "Anything," "All I Want," and "Paper Thin" are lyrically lovely, set in catchy tunes and mellow melodies laced with poppy anthems.

But don’t fear, dear love-phobes–Naess isn’t totally naive about her love. With lines like "Wide eyed and stupid/ I’m waiting for the arrows of your love" in "Lazy Days," the mellow Þrst track of the cd shows she’s aware of the trepidations of love. And the jaded "Charm Attack" and "Chase" both exclaim the happy bitterness of romantic encounters, as Naess sings "Why do I always chase/ the ones who run?"

"Wanting a touch of Marilyn/ With the heart and soul of Steinem," Naess’ vocals are sweet and smooth, and even appeal to love-phobic listeners.

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