Gauntlet delivers the goods

By Murray Birt

Editors, the Gauntlet,

Re: Dinos’ Athletic Advisory Council Decision to raise fees 50 per cent in two years

     I   would like to commend the Gauntlet and its writers on the excellent piece about Conrad Black. What I most respect, and what most readers may be unaware of, is what this two-page spread means for the staff of the Gauntlet. What we should know and respect, is that Еvan Osentоn (and the rest of the editorial board) have put their futures on the line to bring us a huge story that is hard to be found elsewhere in Calgary let alone Canada.

I imagine the Gauntlet went through much debate to come to the conclusion to bring us the real goods. For that, we must thank them for being a paper of quality and independence–that is sometimes very hard to find.

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