Car stolen in March, BSD plans underway

By Fifi Enyi

The month of March came to a close without much fanfare at the University of Calgary for Campus Security.

"March was basically busy," said Campus Security Manager Lanny Fritz. "There were mostly routine calls more than anything else."

However, theft increased this month largely because a vehicle was stolen.

"We had $61,000 in thefts," said Fritz. "A contractor who was working on the campus had his vehicle stolen. There was also a couple of motor vehicle thefts during our snowstorm, which caused about $20,000 in damages, so that moved up our stats in that area as well."

On March 6, there was a minor fire in the Black Lounge involving a smouldering couch.

"Firefighters attended and the chesterfield was carried out and the Black Lounge was closed for the remainder of the day," reported Fritz.

A disturbance between 40 non-students occurred on March 10 while they were leaving the Den, heading for the parking lot.

"Police were called for a very short time and we had to break up the group," said Fritz. "One guy was transported to the hospital and received a couple of minor injuries as a result of the disturbance."
The MacKimmie Library Tower experienced a water leak, causing damage to some books.

Campus Security also found a male non-student on campus with a significant amount of illegal drugs.

"He was believed to be selling drugs on campus and Calgary Police were notified and arrested the man on outstanding warrants," said Fritz.

Campus Security was dispatched to the Red and White Club at McMahon Stadium on a medical call.

"A woman had fallen down the stairs and sustained rather serious head injuries, possible fractured arm, hip, and pelvic injuries as well and was taken to Foothills Hospital," said Fritz.

With Bermuda Shorts Day just around the corner, Campus Security has been meeting to set up a BSD strategy.

"We’ll be bringing in 10 extra officers, which we do every year," said Fritz. "We’ve had a couple of planning meetings with the Students Union and with other departments on campus as well. We’re trying to plan a safe activity as much as we possibly can, dealing with BSD."

As final exams approach, incidents usually decrease because so many students are occupied with studying. But Fritz warns that students must take precautions to prevent textbook theft.

"It’s a pretty heavy duty month for students studying," said Fritz. "We can only assume that students have their backpacks pumped full of study material. You probably need to be a little more cautious around this time because of the potential for theft."

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