Wrestling: Report card time

By Kris Kotarski

Talent: Not what it was last year, but last year was an A+. A-

The wrestling season is still young, but the Dinos of this year look like the Dinos of old. Calgary continues to dominate Canada West opponents with Brad Neve, Hakan Kadir and Mike Stitt leading the way. New additions like Kristian Leach are looking to fill in the void left by standouts Andy Hutchinson and D.J. LeDrew. The women are as strong as ever, and there is no reason why they shouldn’t be the favourites to reclaim their national title. Oh yes, and Erica Sharp could kick The Rock’s ass. So could Breanne Graham and Trish Leibel.

Effort: A

I went to one of their practices and I saw the wrestlers drenched in their own sweat. Not just a trickle. It looked like the whole team took a shower with their clothes on, and then went out to practice. I thought the coach was mad at them that day, but it seems that kind of effort is an everyday occurrence for the Dinos. Hard not to give an A after what I saw. Kind of made me realize why I don’t wrestle anymore. Well, that, and I suck.

Coaching: A

Head Coach Mitch Ostberg was named Coach of the Year in the Canada West conference last year on the men’s side. He got the national honours for his work with the women. Who are we to argue with that?

Overall: A

If no one else will get a national championship this year, chances are the wrestlers will come through. The prospects look very bright for another run at national glory for both teams. The men are favourites to win Canada West, but they will have their work cut out for them to try to wrestle the national championship away from Brock University. The women, with continued hard work and effort, are a safe pick to win nationals. The Dinos are younger on the men’s side, but for the women it’s a familiar cast returning to defend their title. My prediction? Pain. And a lot of it for Dinos’ opponents this season, especially on the women’s side.

Food this team makes me think of: Steak, dripping with the blood of fallen enemies. (Not that I’m accusing the wrestlers of cannibalism.)

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