By Natalie Sit
Tucked away in the basement of MacEwan Hall, Campus Security is patiently waiting for their new oYces amid the din of construction.
Campus Security must move before April 1 so construction crews can knock down their exterior wall to make way for the new ballroom’s bathrooms.
"Yesterday (Jan. 23), it was so loud you couldn’t hear people on the radio or the telephone calls that were coming in," said Campus Security Manager Lanny Fritz. "As a result of the meeting with project and construction managers, we’re going to relocate our dispatch capabilities to our boardroom probably this Saturday or next Saturday, which will allow them to do their work. It’s just a temporary thing [for eight hours]."
University of Calgary Students’ Union Vice-president Operations and Finance Matt Lauzon has another construction concern. Because of the lack of new space for Campus Security, he’s unsure what eVect the delay will have on expansion.
"The Students’ Union doesn’t want to see [Campus Security move to another building] because we’re building a new ballroom that will increase the capacity for large events in our buildings," said Lauzon. "We would like Campus Security to stay here."
However, Campus Security is not concerned with the lack of deÞnite plans. According to Risk Management and Operations Manager Janet Stein, Campus Security has worked for three months identifying and communicating their needs to the Planning and Design department.
"[Planning and Design] are currently looking for space within the campus, with our goal being to remain in the heart of the campus, so that we can provide quick, efficient and convenient service for the students," said Stein.
Both the SU and Campus Security would prefer that Campus Security stays in MacEwan Hall. The SU wrote a letter to Administration supporting the Campus Security presence in MacEwan Hall.
"This is where the action is, this is where students are, this is why we are here," said Fritz. "We can be quick to respond. It only makes sense that our office be in Mac Hall to allow a Þve-second response as opposed to us being in one of the outer-perimeter buildings and it being a Þve-minute response."