When the electoral dust cleared, Natasha Dhillon was declared next year’s Vice-president Op-Fi by a clear margin of 1945 votes to Travis Fast’s 605.
"It’s totally exciting, but it was a really hard race," said Dhillon after the results were posted. "Jordan [Bonner] and Travis [Fast] both did a lot of work for it, so it was tough."
Though Fast couldn’t be reached for comment, Bonner was philosophical about the outcome.
"Some days you get the bear, and some days the bear gets you," he said. "Natasha will do a fine job as VP Op-Fi and I’m sure that she will able to deal with the onslaught that awaits her. I’m just glad that the race was fought cleanly and within the rules."
She was positive about the successful Op-Fi commission candidates.
"They look like a bunch of people who are going to work really hard, so it’s going to be a good year," she stated.
The commissioner-elects in question–Mark Counsell, Jana Hanova and SU veteran Robbie White–all expressed positive commitments to the portfolio.
"I will do my best and work the hardest," stated Hanova. "I will represent students to the best of my ability and do the things that I promised to do."
Counsell expressed regret over Les Champ’s defeat, but was "pleased" about his fellow commissioners.
Robbie White was enthusiastic about his election to a second term as Op-Fi commissioner. "I’m looking forward to working with the commission and with Tasha," he stated. "We’re a diverse crowd, it’ll be good for us."
Matt Stambaugh was unavailable for comment. Current VP Op-Fi Matt Lauzon had no reservations about the abilities of his successor.
"In terms of the Op-Fi portfolio, I’m very happy with the results of the election," said Lauzon. "It’s great for Natasha; she obviously has a very clear mandate from students that they want her here and I think she’ll do a great job next year."