Frozen by terror, stricken with grief

Everything has changed now. Our lives will forever be marred by, inspired by and compared against the weight of the tragedy of Tues., Sept. 11. As some have described it, this will be the defining moment for a generation of people, where each and every one of us remembers where we were when we became aware of the sickening reality of a terrorist attack.

We at the Gauntlet spent most of Tuesday in shock, although it was easily hidden under the tide of work that ebbs and flows here. The sombre reality of reporting on a catastrophe of unprecedented scope settled in briskly. With work to be done, the staff mostly added it to their list of things to do. We resignedly continued although a dark cloud hangs over the office and our campus.

Our conversations varied during the days leading to publication. Some expressed feelings that our safety and security are, at the least, tarnished. Others spoke of having their personal freedoms violated–forever will they live in a state of terrorist fear where life and liberty are easily taken. Some reflected that the violence inflicted was beyond anything the U.S. deserved. This assertion will remain unanswered until someone is held responsible. When we contemplated the upcoming U.S. retaliation, we all shuddered.

Our memories of the day will live on, but our lives will continue to be affected in innumerable ways. The repercussions have yet to be weighed, but there is little doubt that our lives have been irrevocably altered. Some will be personally affected by the death of a friend or a relative. Others will watch resignedly on their TVs or read it in their morning headlines. Some will be struck by a simple and solitary sadness.

The world fundamentally changed on Sept. 11, 2001. It was the day the world stood still.

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