The toys are back in town

By James Keller

Whether you’ve been waiting for this since rehearsals or you’ve never even heard of it, One Yellow Rabbit’s production of Ronnie Burkett’s Happy will be a theatre experience unlike anything most of us have ever seen. The significance of Happy is that there is a cast of only one. One human that is–and this is… Continue reading The toys are back in town

Tragedy and comedy

By Andrew Ross

Academic Probation exists as a section to give the Gauntlet levity by counterbalancing the serious tone of the rest of the newspaper. Due to the extraordinary events of the past week, it was decided that the tongue-in-cheek attitude of AP would be inappropriate for this week’s issue of the Gauntlet. Therefore, appearing in place of… Continue reading Tragedy and comedy

Afghan article angers readers

By Lindsay Driediger

Editor, the Gauntlet,If Mother Theresa was alive today, I’ll bet she’d want to have some words with Lawrence Bailey. While Bailey’s comparison of relief workers in the Middle East to dirty pimps is dramatic, it is hardly a convincing argument. Bailey acknowledges that relief groups like the Shelter Now International “are so important in restoring… Continue reading Afghan article angers readers

Epic quests and stolen moments

By Lawrence Bailey

If you wanted to reclaim your childhood, where would you go? Follow our weary travellers as they journey deep into the Kootenays for a weekend of youthful bliss, boundless freedom, and timeless memories, courtesy the Shambhala Music Festival. A land above time and beyond space…There was a time in everyone’s childhood when summer was simply… Continue reading Epic quests and stolen moments