Cheap Seats

By Kris Kotarski

The concept of the Cheap Seats is by no means a 2001 original. In fact, we’re stealing a very good column name from Chris Koentges, a former Sports Editor at the Gauntlet. Koentges ran Gauntlet Sports in the fall of 1998 and his section was perhaps the finest sports coverage our student newspaper had ever seen. Unfortunately, creativity and ingenuity tends to be limited when there are deadlines, midterms and pages to fill. Koentges’ sports section lasted half a year. Since then, Gauntlet Sports has either taken an easier, more traditional sports approach or failed in capturing the spirit of the autumn of 1998.

This brings us to today. We’re going to try this on the Web. Here we have no space restrictions, no firm deadlines and no obligation to churn out stories under pressure. The Cheap Seats will be fun. Hope you see it that way too.

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