Letter Re: “Parading idiots and babbling fools,”

By Duncan Embry

Editor, the Gauntlet,

Re: "Parading idiots and babbling fools," Jan. 31, 2002,

It’s hard to believe that in a society that has struggled to maintain equality among the sexes, there are still individuals who are working hard to undermine their gender. The simplicity and flagrant generalizations that run rampant though this article prove that not all university students have been trained in critical thinking. Please bear with me as I try to articulate myself, while being burdened by my "simple" nature.

I’m sorry that you are appalled by the so-called "gimmicks" that males employ in an attempt to give themselves an edge. These gimmicks may also be for the individual enjoyment of the "male" and not necessary a tool to woo you. The Den is an establishment where university students can get intoxicated without fear of reprisal by pretentious, judgmental individuals. You don’t see people wearing a bathrobe at the Taz or sporting a Santa hat at the Roxy.

Maybe your search for the perfect man would be better spent at these establishments. Establishments that pride themselves in only staffing the "beautiful" and catering to the cool Britney Spears wanna-be crowd. Leave the Den to the parading idiots that enjoy getting drunk, being stupid and blowing off the stress that has been building up over the semester.

I have to agree with Gabunga when she proclaims that "normalcy" is a quality in humans that is hard to find. Where we deviate in our thinking is that she feels that this quality is attached to the X chromosome. I’m sorry that males try to distinguish themselves at the bar to meet that special someone. It must be nice to be a female in a society that puts the onus on males to make the first move. Sometimes a gimmick can help give a guy enough confidence to approach a female.

I hope that the female readership of the Gauntlet was equally perturbed that overachievers were segregated from those females with amazing personalities. The majority of female university students would probably fit into the category of overachievers. Balancing classes, jobs, family, friends and boyfriends is a quality that I personally respect in a female.

I’m sure this article also offends all those who live with their parents. Apparently, females will not date you if you are not rich enough for Mommy and Daddy to buy you a condo. Or, if you are savvy enough, to live at home and avoid crushing student debt. Though living with your parents exposes you to increased alcohol lectures and restrict your sex life, at least it keeps you away from those females that judge you on your circumstance and not your substance.

Maybe the problem with finding the perfect man is not attributed to their behavior at the bars. Maybe, the problem is not the males at all and, maybe, just maybe, the problem lies with you. Sometimes you should spend less time trying to find that special someone and more time trying to become one.

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