By Jeff Kubik
CNDA, I’ve seen you trading with C. You better watch it, or we’re through.
-Yankee Doodle
To the little banana republic to the South: I saw the way you handled those right-wing militants. Do you want to get with a real military power? If yes, reach me at:
G.N.P. down? World Bank won’t extend another line of credit? Call 1-800-EZE-CASH. If you’ve got land that can be seized by an angry mob of hired mercenaries, then you can get a G.N.P. loan.
SDN (single, developing nation) seeks DSP (democratic superpower) to provide protection and arms. I’ll let you stick a military base anywhere you want. (
Hey, P and I, when are you going to make up? We hate to see you fight.-UN
N.A.T.O. is tabling a report on our increasing mandate as international terrorism spreads to allied nations, allying themselves with so-called "axis of evil" powers. This event is potluck, bring your own salad. (Rm. 175, 20:00)
To the huge military incursion that violated my borders last night: I had anthrax, you might want to get tested.
Why don’t you want my softwood anymore? =(
Is your nation struggling with problems of illiteracy? If so, call 1-800-REED-WEL and get your national average up. We guarantee a full 10% increase in your national literacy rate, or your money back!
If anyone has seen a nuclear missile with a 50-megaton warhead, please contact me at: (reward $$$)
Hey Black Ops! Remember that you-know-what at “the place” when we… you know? Yeah! Love to everyone at Tango Company! Bravo bravo tango delta! This communication has been classified: top secret.
Paul Martin = P.M, coincidence?
Doing body shots off a Mexican hooker is still considered free trade, right?-GW