Songs about robots trying to be human, Japanese girls fighting evil robots and everything else that makes up life. That is The Flaming Lips’ Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots.
Brimming with imagination and whimsy, Yoshimi is one of the most joyous listening experiences I have ever had. The melodies are the kind that 14-year-old girls should be humming as they put on their make up every morning. The lyrics are questioning and at the same time optimistic, but never bombastic or inane. While the whole album works as a single unit, the two standout tracks are the opener "Flight Test," and the first single "Do You Realize??," both of which have gorgeous melodies and lyrics challenging the listener to live, really live.
This is the record of the year. Buy it. Burn it. Steal it. But damnit, just listen to it over and over again until you’re on the verge of tears. I did.