You’ve got poor grammar

By Вen Li

I cringe every time I hear the phrase “You’ve got mail.” Not because I fear getting angry letters from readers or stupid virus-laden Flash forwards from people who think aol is the Internet, but because the expanded phrase “You have got mail” is broken.People asking me to "instant messenge" them provoke a similar reaction. What… Continue reading You’ve got poor grammar

Our savvy prime minister

By Kris Kotarski

What a difference a summer makes. Not long ago, Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien was roasted in the media because of the internal turmoil in the ranks of the all-powerful Liberal party. Paul Martin’s (unofficial) leader-ship campaign was in full swing, and Chrétien was surfing the waves of bad publicity. Accusations of financial misconduct by… Continue reading Our savvy prime minister

Make money online, without resorting to porn

By James Keller

Alas, the downfall of many a twentysomething making it in the urban wasteland. With the Gap, Prada and Bloomingdales beckoning the avid shopper and their Visa, it’s a slippery slope into the trenches of credit card debt. For the average over-spender, this can mean hundreds, even thousands of dollars in back payments and the occasional… Continue reading Make money online, without resorting to porn