Oh, you’re back, huh? Think you’re pretty smart, eh?
Well, this is the hardest one yet, we’ve been told, so go to it, and see how well you do. Answers–if you need them, and you will–are now online!
Have fun.
1. life’s certainties:_____and taxes
6. politically correct way of saying before 2000 years ago
8. I bet Harry Potter didn’t have to pay tuition here
11. are you?
12. solidified snot
14. John Rocker
15. Christopher Reeve jokes lack ______
16. the section you’re reading right now
17. toilet paper
19. informal conversation
20. cured by drinking upside- down
22. et operators
23. what the u.s. wishes France didn’t have
24. the only ones trying to beat the u.s. to Mars
26. Islamic crusaders
2. lethargic donkey
3. a promise of violence
4. the extra time you’d need to finish your midterm
5. the other Hooters
7. it’s Istanbul not _______________
9. real-estate near Chernobyl
10. the Green Fairy
13. the office program with the key
18. Pokemon character
21. herbal tea variety
25. where Charlie lives