Judge this book by its binding

By Вen Li

Billing itself as “a great reference for academics, students, business professionals, authors–anyone who writes extensively in Word,” one would expect Cathy Fero’s latest book to be much more than just another computer manual. Unfortunately, that’s all Fero’s book is: a computer manual.In terms of content, it fits in well with typical “for Dummies” books, but… Continue reading Judge this book by its binding

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

By Kirstin Morrell

Some days, it’s just good to be evil.Rockstar Games’ newest release in the Grand Theft Auto series, GTA: Vice City, is just as violent as its controversial predecessor, with the main character Tommy Vercetti hacking and burning his way up the Mafia hierarchy. Players complete missions, such as drive-by shootings and instigating a gang war,… Continue reading Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Does video-game violence lead to the real thing?

By Kirstin Morrell

It’s only a game, right? Last month’s release of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City revived the controversy surrounding realistically violent video games.Some people, notably parents, are alarmed at the possible influence these games have on young people. Others see this as overreaction. In either case, with the success of its predecessor, Grand Theft Auto 3,… Continue reading Does video-game violence lead to the real thing?

Dreadlock Soldier

By Falice Chin

People have been describing me as the “Asian girl with dreadlocks” for the last three years, but this statement is invalid now because I just cut off my dreads two weeks ago. Many people don’t understand the significance of such an act, in fact, most people don’t know anything about dreadlocks. There is a growing… Continue reading Dreadlock Soldier