President: Chris Blatch–Unqualified

Blatch is an intriguing candidate for the presidency, but in this year’s race, all the candidates are “intriguing,” and “intriguing” is another word for “unprepared” or “inadequate.”

Blatch is obviously intelligent, but his campaign is admittedly very hasty. He is a candidate of frustration–he is angry at the current SU for trivializing student concerns, so he ran for president with change on his mind. This is good when you have concrete plans and ideas. This is bad if you have frustration and little else.

Blatch recognizes the problems facing students better than anyone he is running against. However, he looks at the plight and potential of students through a very wide lens. In fact, this lens is so wide, that the issues Blatch sees as concerns cannot be addressed in his one-year term. He fails to bridge the gap between problems and solutions, and ultimately, he just might add to the problems of the organization that frustrated him in the first place.

Blatch will be dignified in the role of president. Dignity, however, may not get students very far.


• Wants to involve community and media in student causes

• A lot of knowledge with no su experience

• Wants to lobby opposition parties, not just those in power


• Grand ideas, no concrete plans

• Vague

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