VP Op-Fi: Gavin Preston–Qualified

While not the ideal candidate, Preston’s two years of Students’ Union experience as an academic commissioner, his understanding (and often harsh criticism) of the internal workings of the SU, and his determination certainly make him a viable VP Op-Fi.

Preston’s self-acknowledged unique style of argument and presentation may diminish his chances at succeeding with the financial and structural changes he seeks during his term. Improved interpersonal relations and an ability to work with non-elected staff will be especially important next year as will the SU’S struggles with budgetary constraints and paying for a $9 million expansion. On both these fronts, Preston will encounter resistance, especially in light of his desire to reduce the SU levy collected from students and his plans to examine the size of the non-elected staff.

For students, Preston’s comprehension but less-than-overwhelming enthusiasm for clubs must be a considered. Though he has expressed a desire to renovate the clubs business centre into a more productive space including new offices, he has not expressed the same level of interest in clubs as some of his predecessors. Also, Preston has not participated in the SU Clubs Committee, an important aspect of the VP Op-Fi portfolio.

In light of his legislative agenda, his desire for reform, his wealth of SU-related experience, and his ability to arouse discussion on any topic, we find Preston a marginally bearable candidate for the position.


• Most su experience of all candidates

• Has a legislative agenda

• Very persistent with arguments


• Is not well spoken

• Poor interpersonal skills

• Lack experience specific to operations and finance

• Lacks club experience

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