Another band bites the dust

By CH Smith

After six years, four drummers and a “moderate” output, local one disc wonder-kids Ray-o-Vaq have decided to play one last show with their pals The Long Run and Hot Little Rocket Sat. Feb. 28 at Liberty Lounge before going their separate ways.

The show will no doubt be a reunion of sorts, with many familiar faces both on and off stage. But it will also give all of those who have heard rumors about Ray-o-Vaq’s moody, dynamic low-fi rock and all its potential, one last chance to see them live.

Derek McEwen (Guitars/Vocals) says the reason for Ray-o-Vaq’s split is simple.

“Six years of playing with the same people is a pretty long time and when you’re playing the same things you were six years ago, it’s not necessarily a good thing.”

Ray-o-Vaq share the night with another Calgary band calling it quits, The Long Run. Local favorites Hot Little Rocket–who have promised to play like it’s their last show ever–will be opening.

Ray-o-Vaq will play with two different drummers; Joel Nye, presently with Hot Little Rocket, and former drummer Jason Wooley, currently drummer for The Long Run. There is some serious musical incest going on here.

“All three of the bands started in the same house and practiced in the same house and we’ve all kind of moved on now,” says McEwen. “It will definitely be a weird reunion.”

The band will also be making a limited edition seven song EP of demos available . It seems odd to release a record longer than your only previous one at your final show, but McEwen says it’s just something that needs to be done,.

“It’s just stuff we spent a year and a half recording off and on and now we finally want to just get it out,” he says.

The show will likely be lighthearted, McEwen assures there won’t be any drama during the night.

“Everybody’s just happy, I don’t think there will be any tears shed or any theatrical drama.”

Although this is supposed to be their last show together, I’m sure we’ll be seeing all of these musicians in one form or another in the future. McEwen stresses the end is most likely just a beginning.

“This is pretty much it because we had to relearn all of our old songs just so we could break up,” he laughs. “But everybody wants to keep going in one form or another. I’m sure we’re all going to do well and we’ll all be fine.”

Saturday February 28. Liberty Lounge MRC Campus. Tix $10 @ Door

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