
By Garth Paulson

Sometime around late 1999 or early 2000, I managed to acquire what at the time seemed like the greatest thing in the world. It was grade 10 and I had a toonie. Keeping in mind people will do things for money, I propositioned a friend to burn me Pulley’s self-titled release. When I got the album I was in high school punk heaven.

After many devoted listens I slowly outgrew that wonderful stolen gem. Pulley proceeded to record 2001’s Together Again for the First Time and I proceeded not to care.

Fast forward to 2004 and suddenly I find myself with Pulley’s latest album, Matters, in my hands. Having not heard any of the band’s new material in a couple of years I must say I was slightly intrigued. That intrigue faded away quickly–it seems I haven’t missed much. Somehow with five years, the loss of a guitarist, the addition of another guitarist and the apparent end of a Major League Baseball career between Pulley and Matters, the band has managed to maintain that identical sound.

That isn’t to say Matters doesn’t have its charm. Pulley still plays tight, hard melodic punk pretty damn well. Sure it isn’t original, but if you don’t allow yourself to be too serious it’s still good and fun.

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