Taking it off on national TV

By Emily Senger

Students’ Union Communication and Culture Representative by day and Taking it Off reality television star by night?

Fifth year University of Calgary student Sarah Stall has advanced to the final 10 Calgary contestants vying for a position on the reality television show Taking it Off. Of the 10 contestants, four will be chosen as reality television stars for the show which will air on TLC in September.

“Taking it Off is about lifestyle change through proper nutrition and exercise,” explained a very excited Stall.

The show involves eight people–four from Calgary and four from Halifax–who want to make changes to live a healthier lifestyle. The participants are provided with nutritional counseling, a personal trainer and a gym membership, with their progress and setbacks on the path to fitness documented by cameras for all the world to see.

Should she make the final cut, Stall won’t be worried about back-stabbing Survivor antics or mind games of The Bachelor or any of the other scandals that are synonymous with reality television. She says she’ll simply focus on being herself.

“This is the least scandalous show that I’ve watched that’s centered around real people. I need to be cautious [but] I don’t want to change who I am,” said Stall.

Stall says she is “definitely surprised” to make it to the final ten Calgarians out of 300 reality TV hopefuls who attended the first open casting call. After 50 callbacks and one-on-one interviews only the final 10 remained.

“The callback was my goal. Now that I’m in the final 10 I’m nervous. [When] I find out it will definitely be a relief,” said Stall.

“There is a good wide range of people on the show,” explained Stall. “I fit the busy university student who wants to get in shape.”

Stall will hear from the producers late this week if she has made the final cut.

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