Mixing lectures with beer = good times

By Chelsea Clark

Don’t let the word fund-raiser scare you off. The Big Rock Lecture Series, in its seventh year, is anything but the stereotypical uptight gala you are thinking of. It is a fun event that the university, in partnership with Big Rock Brewery, puts on eight times a year. The night starts off with drinks and dinner, followed with a fun and energetic lecture by a university professor and topped off with a discussion.

The first lecture is on Wed., Oct. 6 at 6:30 p.m. It will be held at the Big Rock Grill, located at 5555-76 Avenue SE, and Professor Alan Dowty will be speaking of “Israel and the Palestinians: The Unlikely Case for Optimism.”

Other lectures this semester will come from the departments of Biological Sciences, History and Fine Arts. The lectures are intended to inform in a fun and creative way making the experience a little more exciting than the average Monday morning lecture.

“Whoever gives the talk gets a scholarship for his department to then be given out to an undergraduate student,” explained Dr. Barry Cooper, a Professor in the Department of Political Science.

The event is open to anyone, students or not, who are interested in dinner and drinks with a slice of intellectual stimulation for dessert.

“People who come are well educated and want something more than simply watching a movie,” said Cooper. “It is an engaging experience.”

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