Frosh are people too, you know

By Natalie Sit

Those yellow shirts and goofy costumes on campus can only mean one thing: it’s U of C 101. For 3,100 new students, it’s their first day on campus.

While the program changes from year to year, this year featured the use of myUofC. Through the new Internet portal, U of C 101 eliminated all lineups for frosh. Through myUofC, new students were able to pick their top six "success sessions."

"We were able to offer sessions based on what students want," said U of C 101 acting coordinator Alison Woloshyn. "Internationalize your degree was the most popular."

Even though it’s the first day, participants are benefiting already.

"What I found really helpful was the campus tour," said first-year sciences student Miranda Meekes. "Knowing people in your own faculty helps. It’s made me feel more comfortable with the university campus. I can tell a lot of people are shy, but it’s a good small atmosphere. The leaders are pretty encouraging."

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