By Katie Hobday
The University of Calgary Eco-Club accomplished an impressive task Tue., Jan. 25, filling the usually sparsely attended Students’ Legislative Council meeting with students concerned with environmental issues on campus.
“We wanted to approach the Students’ Union as concerned students and make ourselves a presence,” Eco-Club president Stephanie Ferguson. “We want to go to SLC to present our ideas to them, because they have some financial and administrative power to make changes.”
The club’s original intention was to meet with the SU Campus Recycling Board to discuss some proposals the club had drawn up regarding recycling. Upon discovering that the CRB had not been convened for the 2004-2005 year, the group brought their concerns directly to SLC.
“It’s not just the CRB that hasn’t met this year, the entire committee structure is off,” admitted SU President Bryan West, who suggested the possibility of putting the resources of the CRB into something with more drive.
Council members were glad to see concerned students at their weekly meeting.
“It’s nice to see, and it shows that they are interested,” says SU Vice-President Events Alex Vyskocil. “It’s important, and I’m glad they brought it up.”
The students were glad to see co-uncil members concerned as well.
“I’m very satisfied with how things went,” said Ferguson. “We had a good constructive dialogue. They offered lots of advice and were very willing to listen to our concerns.”
This advice included keeping in communication with the SU and making environmental concerns an issue in the up-coming SU General Election, suggesting that perhaps the Eco-Club run candidates on a platform based on environmental issues.
“What they are looking at is more long term, they have to understand the full scope of what is to be accomplished,” said Vyskocil. “First, they should talk to the VP Op-Fi and figure out how to make themselves a bigger presence on campus. Also, they should make it an issue in the up-coming election.”
Ferguson invites anyone interested to join the Eco-Club at their general meeting Mon., Jan. 31 at 3 p.m. in MacEwan Student Centre 279.
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