By Kate Foote
Conquering the world has never been an easy task. While Caesar, Napoleon and Hitler all had some success, they were ultimately fruitless in their pursuit of global domination. Varying cultural differences often imposed difficulty even for such masterminds. Musically as well as politically, dominating diverse national niches can also be a daunting task. Although Cursed have yet to commission a team of assailants to conquer their adversaries, their own brand of loud, moody thrash metal has been infiltrating nations around the globe.
Having toured mercilessly since the release of their sophomore album, Two, Cursed has never been a band to rest on their laurels. Over the past year they’ve played all over North America, as well as Spain and the UK, hitting even the most obscure towns and cities in their quest for domination.
“It seems like whenever you go really far to places where bands don’t usually go, people appreciate just that you got there,” says frontman Chris Colohan of his band’s drive to bring their music to the people.
Cursed felt such appreciation when they travelled overseas, spending two months touring throughout Europe.
“The mentality is really different. There are definitely big shifts nationally,” Colohan remarks. “We did well there, but it’s all about knowing how to read people from across the world.”
While Colohan asserts different countries can, for the most part, provide amusing cultural differences, touring throughout the US can be another story. Our neighbours to the south give off a different vibe than most of the other places Cursed has seen.
“I get kind of creeped out by America,” Colohan admits. “When I realize that I’m in the middle of America, in terms of what America really is and what it stands for, it’s really creepy. But you can’t hold that against people.”
While the political goings-on in the United States are enough to creep anyone out, Colohan refuses to give up hope that the people of the nation are capable of thinking differently than their government–a sentiment outlined in their often political punk-rock mindset–and will continue to bring their sound through the States.
This will keep up their schedule of incessant touring, which as many other bands would agree with, tends to bring a band closer together, becoming more like a group of brothers than a band. Colohan, however, sees it a little differently. “It’s really more like sisters,” he says. “We’re catty and we’re bitchy and we fight about everything. But you really get used to it. I’m kind of addicted to it even.”
While being stuck in a van with four other people for months would be enough to drive anyone to extremes, Cursed has also had to deal with numerous crises while on the road. Citing van explosions, stolen merch, and having their gear spontaneously ejected from an unsecured trailer, the boys have had to learn to accept the quirks of touring.
“Pretty much every time we go out we get into a situation where everything is so totally fucked that all we can do is laugh,” chuckles Colohan. “We don’t even think twice anymore–just bring a book. Bring lots of books.”
Cursed has seen their share of the world over the past year, but still embrace their Canadian roots. While other nations can provide a change of scenery, and often more excitement, there is a sense of security here Colohan hasn’t felt elsewhere.
“I like being in our home territory. Even out in the middle of nowhere in the prairies, it feels like you’re in a safer sort of zone.”