Midterm Review: Men’s Soccer

By Amanda and Krista VanSteelandt

TalentDespite losing 12 veteran players from last year’s roster, those that remained stepped up and the rookies pulled their own weight. Adam (A-Mac) MacDonald moved from the front lines to support the team at the back and got himself named a Canada West First-Team All-Star. Carlos (Hot Karl) Cruz was named to the Second-Team and… Continue reading Midterm Review: Men’s Soccer

Dinos go swimming in Lake… head

By John Leung Chung-Yin

The Dinos wrestling team went, saw, and almost conquered Thunder Bay as they entered Lakehead University’s National Dual Meets Sat., Dec. 3. The men placed a strong second while the women finished fourth in an extremely talented and difficult field.The men competed in a tough five-team field that included the defending Canadian Interuniversity Sport champion… Continue reading Dinos go swimming in Lake… head

Newcomers leave brand on Dinos

By Carly McKay

The early parts of the season have not been kind to the Dinos men’s volleyball team. They’ve faced the number-one seeded Trinity Western University Spartans, the defending league champion University of Alberta Golden Bears and tested the waters with newcomers to the Canada West conference, the Thompson Rivers University WolfPack and the Brandon University Bobcats.… Continue reading Newcomers leave brand on Dinos

Regina Cougars not welcome in Jack

By Sean Nyilassy

The Dinos women’s volleyball team have been left with a few torn off bits of tissue and some razor burn after some close bouts with the University of Regina Cougars Dec. 2-3. The visitors visited and the hosts hosted. Luckily, the polite Cougars gave the hosting Dinos the last laugh. The Jack Simpson Gymnasium swayed… Continue reading Regina Cougars not welcome in Jack

Save the tumours

By Alyssa Morrell

Editor, the Gauntlet, Just for fun, I thought I’d try fighting for a cause “pro-life” style. My cause? Tumours.I’m sick of all these selfish people running around getting surgery that can potentially improve and even save their lives. Does anyone take a second to ask the cancer-riddled breast if it wants to stay or go?… Continue reading Save the tumours

Insulting and disrespectuful

By China Marsh

Editor, the Gauntlet,[Re: “Dastardly dreadful Dubnyk drags down drama,” Theater Review, December 1, 2005] As a former student of the U of C drama department, I recently had the extreme pleasure of taking in the drama department’s newest production The Libertine. I also had the extreme displeasure of reading the Gauntlet’s review of this production,… Continue reading Insulting and disrespectuful

Stand up

By Shannon Whaley

Editor, the Gauntlet, This is an exhausted subject, and I’ll be the first to admit it. For about a month now, the ongoing debate between pro-life and pro-choice students at the U of C has resulted in some serious verbal vomitage thrown from either side. However, as a fourth year nursing student, I’ve got one… Continue reading Stand up

Unconstructive criticism

By Julie Orton

Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: “Dastardly dreadful Dubnyk drags down drama,” Theater Review, December 1, 2005] The most dangerous weapon to give a fool is a pen. Kyle Francis of the Gauntlet proved these words impeccably in his review of the Drama Department’s production of The Libertine. Not in recent years has the Gauntlet published a piece… Continue reading Unconstructive criticism

A change in society

By Danielle Fostey

Editor, the Gauntlet, [Re: “Sexism Sells, but not on my campus,” Feature article, December 1, 2005] Thank you to Christine East for her article “Sexism Sells, but not on My Campus.” I too witnessed that poster and was outraged by it. I give her my admiration for going so deeply into the subject and stating… Continue reading A change in society