
By Patrick A. Bick

Editor, the Gauntlet,

[Re: “Unintelligent Design” letter, Jan. 12, 2006.]

Intelligent design is a Christian brainchild. Michael Behe believes God is the designer. Evidence against evolution is not evidence for ID, and it is not a matter of evolution vs. ID.

Behe’s research is flawed. Behe sees an arch and assumes God made it because he doesn’t see the arch’s early supports. He argues from ignorance.

A hypothesis is a natural explanation with falsifiable claims. God and ID are neither; thereby, neither hypotheses, nor theories.

Behe won’t do new research to bolster his case, but demands to be proven wrong. The Christian Templeton Foundation cut off his funding, noting that Behe and the Discovey Institute lack “rigor and intellectual seriousness.”

Supernatural explanations like ID work, but offer nothing material to a desperate world that needs cures for diseases, food and other aspects of infrastructure for its booming population, and rejuvenation for Earth’s polluted environment.

People suffer from poverty and disease, while Behe uses ID to make money (speeches and grants on top of salary), not to research. Then he attacks science for his failings.

ID is a political Trojan Horse whose ultimate purpose is to destroy science. Skeptics can look up the vise strategy and the wedge document, both written by leading ID proponents.

If I wanted an ID-like explanation, I’d make one up or join a religion. If parents want their kids believing such explanations, they’ll teach them at home. Hopefully, this will be the last we ever hear of it.

Patrick A. Bick