Theatre Preview: Little Mercy excessively good

By Garth Paulson

At first glance, the noir and the musical appear too disparate to successfully merge. After all, where noirs are all about heavy narration, metaphor and grisly themes, musicals boast flamboyant choreography, colourful sets and suspension of belief. Upon closer examination, however, the two genres aren’t so incompatible: in the end they both come down to… Continue reading Theatre Preview: Little Mercy excessively good

Theatre Preview: Getting revenge on creepy puppets

By Ryan Pike

Death touches us all, whether we like it or not. At some point every living thing on this planet will die, but those inanimate objects have a free ride, until now. With their latest production, Famous Puppet Death Scenes, The Old Trout Puppet Workshop and One Yellow Rabbit aim to prove inanimate objects are no… Continue reading Theatre Preview: Getting revenge on creepy puppets

Sex Interview: Sue spills the sex beans

By Rachel Betts-Wilmott

Penis. Vagina. Boobs. Balls. Dirty Sanchez. Eiffel Tower. Cleveland Steamer. Rusty Trombone. Jack Hammer. Reverse Cowgirl. Skeletor. Leap Frog. Italian Chandelier. Black Bee. Harvey Wallbanger. Drilling for Oil. By Eiffel Tower, most people would be blushing or giggling, but the ever calm, collected, accepting and informative Sue Johanson can go on for longer than you… Continue reading Sex Interview: Sue spills the sex beans

Student leaders holding their breath

By Nisha Patel

Student representatives are holding their breath after a post-secondary education and skills summit last week, with high hopes it caught the attention of the federal government. The Council of the Federation, which represents governments of the 10 provinces and three territories, assembled on Feb. 24 in Ottawa to host a conference for education stakeholders from… Continue reading Student leaders holding their breath