Spun: Pete Mˆss

By Jeff Clemens

Nunchucks ‘n Fairies are pretty awesome. Apparent from the last track on the album’s title, Pete Möss agrees. The boys fromQuebec have had a busy year, putting out their debut album and winning the 2006 Canadian Music Week Xtreme Band Slam contest. Despite the accolades, they’re destined to fall into obscurity.
Pete Möss is a pseudo-metal band that sounds like they kidnapped the style the Darkness used three years ago on Permission toLand, held it for ransom, then clubbed it to death. While the album doesn’t wantfor energy, the band only manages to rock in the same way a bunch of greasy teenagers in their mom’s garage do: loud, fast and without skill. That said, the album isn’t entirely without redemption.The song “Nunchucks ‘n Fairies” is surprisingly good for its ridiculous name, sounding like a silly Mötorhead song. Being the last song on the album, “Nunchucks ‘n Fairies” proves they had nowhere to go but up.

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