Letter: Poster Problems

By Bryan Campbell

Editor, the Gauntlet,

I am co-events commissioner for the Dedicated Otaku Anime club, a Students’ Union sanctioned club. We have been an SU club for nine or 10 years, and our mandate is to promote awareness and acceptance of asian culture through media, primarily using Japanese animation and television serials.

On Tues., Oct. 17, three club representatives–including myself–put up 50 posters on the bulletin boards around the university campus, advertising for an event that we are holding next week. Over the next two days, I noticed that a number of our posters had either been covered up or torn down. I am greatly irritated by this as I am trying to promote an event, but am unable to ensure that my posters last more than a day or two. There was no objectionable content on the posters.

This problem ties in with the issue of commercial advertising on these boards. One of these boards, for example, had two commercial flyers stapled on top of our poster. Others had been covered up with club crawl advertisements.

I feel that this issue threatens student life, the prosperity of SU-sanctioned clubs, private student tutors and legitimate student operations that use these boards. I would like to see new rules and stricter punishment regarding inappropriate use of these boards.

Bryan Campbell

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