By Darren Young
In a world where downloading music onto iPods has become more addictive than heroine, music is often treated as the subconscious soundtrack to life. Active listening has taken a clear backseat to mindless listening, with most fans content to blast music through one earphone while listening to their friend talk their free ear off. More than lyric-based genres, electronic music has fallen prey to this criminal behaviour far too often, being written off as repetitive and boring. With Chill ’em All, Champion just may change the unfair notion that electronic music is stale.
Chill ’em All is a fantastic electronic record with cleverly produced beats and prominent guitar melodies. There is a lot to listen to on the album, and for those paying close enough attention, it is anything but boring. The issue of course, then, is to get the passive listeners of today to sit up and pay attention to the world of sound passing around them. People need to notice the intricately woven harmonies lying on top of the steady, relentless backbeat. They need to acknowledge the veritable myriad of influences Champion manages to co-mingle in his tracks. There are traces of everything from blues to punk and even a hint of disco. All of these elements blend on Chill ’em All in a subtle, tasty aural treat for those who choose to truly listen.
Electronic music may function as background dance music, but it can also be a stimulating and interesting listening experience. Champion seems to be more familiar with the latter, and would be a welcome addition to any iPod–not to mention a healthy alternative to heroine.