There’s a growing trend in Canada–environmental awareness.
It wasn’t too long ago that environmental issues were seen as the responsibility of one or two “eco-friendly” clubs or advocacy organizations.
But as the song goes–the times, they are changing.
In recent years there has been a renewed national and global awareness on how we can all work together to ensure a clean environment for our current population and generations to come. This awareness is based on a simple approach–small regular actions in our daily lives can result in huge positives for our environ- ment in the long-term.
For example–did you know paper accounts for 40 per cent of Canada’s waste? If we all decided to use recyclable paper or alternatives such as cloth bags instead of paper or reusable gift bags instead of wrapping paper we could reduce Canada’s annual waste total significantly.
Here on campus, the University of Calgary has also capitalized on the idea that if everyone does their part and works together, the accumulated effort will mean a big payoff for our communities. Different clubs and organizations including the EcoClub, the Campus Recycling Board and U of C Administration have found true strength in numbers and joint initiatives.
The SU is also doing its part. In addition to our ongoing recycling and re-use efforts (the latest being our recycling bins outside That Empty Space), last year we launched the very first Enviropolooza. The week-long event was designed to raise awareness and educate the university community on environmental and sustainable issues. I’m happy to announce that we will be having another Enviropolooza scheduled from March 12-16, 2007.
Enviropolooza is a great time to learn more about what you can do to help preserve and protect our environment. Your action counts! This year we have some impressive events planned including free energy conservative light bulbs and free coffee, in a reusable mug of course! Other key events include an EcoFair, a forum with the University’s Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy (ISEEE), relevant movies and a waste audit among others.
Participating in Enviro-polooza events is a great way to discover easy things you can do for the environment. The choices you make–big and small–really do make a difference.
For more information on Enviropolooza and scheduled events check out the Students’ Union web site at
I hope to see everyone at the Enviropolooza Events!