SU View: How would you spend $1.4 million?

By Julie Bogle

When I started university four years ago, I was bright-eyed and ready to conquer anything that crossed my path. I had an older sister and two older brothers who had gone to U of C, I had stayed in rez before, and I had even travelled 3 hours to see Bad Religion play in Mac Hall.

But the reality of university wasn’t about the glamour and glitz that I had been briefly exposed to in high school. The reality was that my first-year sociology and chemistry classes were huge, I struggled with my first APA-style paper in kinesiology, and I really wanted to try my hand in research before I graduated.

I was frustrated with my university experience. I had ideas about how to make U of C what I wanted it to be, but I didn’t know how to turn an idea into action.

If this scenario sounds familiar, try submitting a Quality Money proposal. For the past three years, the Board of Governors has allocated a percentage of the tuition fee increase directly back to the Students’ Union and the Graduate Students’ Association. This equates to approximately $1.7 million annually.

Your SU has partially spent this money by helping hire additional TAs, to facilitate splitting one large junior-level course into two sections. Money has also been spent by purchasing software through the library such as RefWorks or helping fund the Undergraduate Student Research Program.

If you have an idea that you want to see become a reality just go to and submit a proposal. The deadline is Nov. 16th. Help develop your U of C student experience; help to meet the needs of future students.

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