The freedom to Facebook in the classroom

By Karl Justus

A proposal that would prohibit the use of laptops in classrooms for anything other than school-related activities is being reviewed. Laptops and cell phones permeate every aspect of campus life, and the implications of these technologies are becoming more prominent than ever before. Many students use technology for academic purposes, but just as many use… Continue reading The freedom to Facebook in the classroom

Campus group clings to right to life

By Eric Mathison

Amidst the heavy foot traffic of the university’s busiest walkway, a public relations battle is being fought between volunteers promoting a pro-life agenda, and pretty much everyone else. The Genocide Awareness Project, or GAP, has become a regular fixture for a couple of days each semester– and is still a heated issue for both students… Continue reading Campus group clings to right to life

Effectively greening the U of C

By Rachelle Meeres

If your favourite cup of tea is green, there’s a chance to get involved with ecoinitiatives on campus with the Students’ Union Sustainability Board. Schools, including the University of Calgary, are joining the effort to protect the environment. There are several groups on campus offering students the opportunity to get involved in environmental efforts. Some… Continue reading Effectively greening the U of C

City ramps up East Village game plan

By Brent Constantin

The East Village, an area mostly associated with homelessness and prostitution, may soon be getting a long-awaited urban face lift. The city outlined its East Village master plan, a bold new direction for the derelict Calgary neighbourhood Sept. 16. The plan includes higher-end, commercial and residential growth and improved infrastructure which the city hopes will… Continue reading City ramps up East Village game plan

Dalai Lama visit, actNOW reignite local volunteerism

By Jeremy Zhao

With the upcoming visit from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, University of Calgary students will be spreading the message of compassion and collaboration throughout Calgary. On Friday, Oct. 2, over 200 U of C students will participate in various volunteer activities across the city as a continuation of the two day NOW conference. Students… Continue reading Dalai Lama visit, actNOW reignite local volunteerism

Residence students battle expectations

By Brent Constantin

Residents of residence are having some reservations about recreation. Last Wednesday the University of Calgary Residence Students’ Association was given a probation notice from Residence Food and Conference Services, and some members aren’t too happy. RSA president Luke Mason, who represents about 1,750 students living on campus, revealed the probation is the result of several… Continue reading Residence students battle expectations

President’s salary details angers campus

By Cailynn Klingbeil

With news of University of Calgary president Harvey Weingarten’s $4.75 million pension raising eyebrows across campus, the auditor general cautions there may be more to come when he releases his annual provincial audit in October. The amount of Weingarten’s pension emerged Monday, along with news the numbers were left off the books for six years.… Continue reading President’s salary details angers campus

Toronto Film Fest coverage misses the mark

By Kirsten Varsek

A few years ago, while absentmindedly flipping through the pages of an unmemorable magazine at the Vancouver airport, I saw the only member of timeless rap group Swollen Members who had deluded himself enough to embark on a solo career. You know, the one who released that unforgettable video of half-naked girls flouncing around Stanley… Continue reading Toronto Film Fest coverage misses the mark

If you don’t like health care, you might just be a racist

By Rhiannon Kirkland

If you ask most people, racism and health care don’t have a lot in common, but somehow race has made its way into the United States’ health care debate. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said that some of the criticism of Obama’s health care plan is rooted is racism. Carter also accused Republican congressman Joe… Continue reading If you don’t like health care, you might just be a racist

The troubled adolescence of comic books

By Ryan Pike

When the average person thinks of comic books, often they think of brightly-coloured spandex and over-muscled heroes socking bad guys in the jaw to save the day. Truth told, super-hero comics make up the vast majority of sales in the industry. That said, it’s not wholly representative to think of comic books as nothing but… Continue reading The troubled adolescence of comic books