Curran’s not Haunted by her roots

By Ryan Pike

In most creative endeavours, an oft-quoted piece of advice is, “Write what you know.” It’s difficult to write about heartache, adventure or any other circumstance without having first experienced it. For Newfoundland’s Amelia Curran, a recent performer at the Calgary Folk Music Festival, her musical career was directly influenced by her circumstances, as evidenced on… Continue reading Curran’s not Haunted by her roots

Freedom Through Ad Hoc Networks

By Ændrew Rininsland

The University of Calgary’s wireless networks are generally pretty fast, but there are often times when they are at peak capacity and everything’s really very slow. If you’re trying to transfer a large number of large files between computers or play networked videogames on the LAN, chances are you’re not only giving yourself headaches, but… Continue reading Freedom Through Ad Hoc Networks

Running down a dream

By Cam Cotton-O’Brien

After some key departures from last year’s Canada West championship teams, both the men’s and women’s cross country squads have a lot to prove this season. Three out of seven members from last year’s Dinos women’s CIS team have graduated, as have four from the men’s. Head coach Doug Lamont thinks that despite these losses,… Continue reading Running down a dream

America’s illogical education uproar

By Cam Cotton-O’Brien

For anyone paying attention to the ongoing health reform debate in the United States, it is obvious that the political landscape in that country is deeply fractured. But health reform is neither the greatest nor the most insipid evidence currently on offer. This past week controversy arose over the speech President Barack Obama was to… Continue reading America’s illogical education uproar

Human rights legislation in legal limbo

By Eric Mathison

The recent ruling by the chairman for the Canadian Human Rights Commission has set a new precedent in human rights arbitration in Canada. The case was raised against Marc Lemire, a known white supremacist and the webmaster of a website that posted the text of a speech given by Kevin Strom, another well-known white supremacist.… Continue reading Human rights legislation in legal limbo

Mindfight: Is Disney buying Marvel good for comics? (Con)

By Jordyn Marcellus

The Marvel-Disney buyout’s major problem isn’t necessarily creative, but one of flexibility and the further ghettoization of comics. As a comic company not previously owned by a large media conglomerate, Marvel was allowed a considerable degree of creative autonomy. Unlike DC, who have always been more conservative in promoting new ideas due to their ownership… Continue reading Mindfight: Is Disney buying Marvel good for comics? (Con)