Letter: Haskayne fails to practice what it preaches

By Beverly Osborn

You would never study engineering in a university where the buildings were falling down and you would never study chemistry in a place where the professors kept blowing up the labs. I would not have chosen Haskayne if I had any idea how bad this university’s School of Business is at management. Let me take… Continue reading Letter: Haskayne fails to practice what it preaches

No bread without some dough

By Jaya Dixit

Many of us are at a point in our lives when we are happy to be able to get through a grocery run with our chequing accounts intact and narrowly escaping the dreaded “insufficient funds” proclamation. Perhaps the timing isn’t entirely terrible, as the recent recession has inundated the Internet and popular media with “recessionista”… Continue reading No bread without some dough

It’s time to reform Canada’s immigration system

In the aftermath of the arrival of a boat containing 490 Tamil refugees off the coast of British Columbia, the government is now seeking ways to prevent this form of illegal immigration from happening in the future. Canada needs to develop a better system to handle such occurrences, which are sure to continue since the… Continue reading It’s time to reform Canada’s immigration system

Boats set sail for Calgary

By Andy Williams

When talking to indie bands in Canada, it’s always interesting to hear how supportive the local communities are. Neighbourhoods can play such an important role in the development of a band and, obviously, some are more conducive to development than others. Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto are all seen as Meccas of indie music in Canada… Continue reading Boats set sail for Calgary

Chali 2na: a big fish

By Steph Mullen

Chali 2na possesses that rare quality of being both famous and down-to-earth with a strong, deep voice that is easily identifiable, but undercut with a humble, aw-shucks manner. The Los Angeles-native and former member of legendary Jurassic 5 has moved past the group’s split in 2007, continuing to receive critical acclaim as a solo artist.… Continue reading Chali 2na: a big fish

Soap operas provide a laundry list of material

By Andy Williams

Soap operas are an easy target for ridicule. Originally envisioned as a subtle way to advertise household products to housewives through the radio, the format evolved into what it is today — an overly-dramatic, ridiculously shallow attempt to fill daytime programming. It’s no wonder that the Calgary’s own Dirty Laundry improv group have decided to… Continue reading Soap operas provide a laundry list of material

Spun: Pioneer

By Remi Watts

Listen: Calgary is full of terrific musicians. Recently I was privileged enough to catch a glimpse of one of these audio-inspired peoples, a folk-fellow calling himself “Pioneer.” The other day as I sat at my desk, minding the business of others, I was handed a rather strange looking CD– a black velvet case with glow-in-the-dark… Continue reading Spun: Pioneer

Spun: Dangermouse & David Lynch

By Laura Bardsley

During the first two minutes of this mega-album featuring a litany of musical heavyweights, I was completely into it. The layers of sound fading in and out around Wayne Coyne’s vocals, along with the familiarity of the Flaming Lips’ sound combine for a journey through nostalgia– voices you’ve heard before collaborating with sounds you wouldn’t… Continue reading Spun: Dangermouse & David Lynch