Are you a fan of stand-up comedy? If you’re looking for a chance to get out and enjoy an amazing collection of world-class comedians, then look no further. YYComedy Festival will be hitting the streets of Calgary from September 24–30, and will be showcasing some of Canada’s best comedians. One of the things that is unique about… Continue reading Calgarians are funny
Month: October 2012
Calgary Opera breaks the mould
Calgary Opera’s new production, What Brought Us Here: A New Community Opera, will attempt to break the mould of traditional operas. A contemporary take on the artform, What Brought Us Here explores the experiences of local Calgarians who have immigrated to Canada. Clem Martini, an award winning playwright, head of the university’s drama department and the… Continue reading Calgary Opera breaks the mould
Uncovering Calgary’s proud past
By Sean Willett
With the 2012 Calgary Pride Week behind us, it is clear that Alberta’s queer community has come a long way in the past few years. Alison Redford became our first premier to speak at a Gay Pride festival, a large sympolic leap forward for our province. While there is a modicum of homophobia and transphobia… Continue reading Uncovering Calgary’s proud past
Reason for Tim Hortons lineup discovered
A student at the University of Calgary has offered an explanation for why he joins the Tim Hortons lineup when it is the longest one in the food court. The phenomenon of students queuing in not one, but two, Tim Hortons lineups has baffled U of C researchers for years. Studies show it also baffles… Continue reading Reason for Tim Hortons lineup discovered
Interactive tool gets one million hits
There have been many additions and improvements to the University of Calgary’s website over the past few years to make being a student easier than ever. One of the more prominent new features is the interactive room finder — launched in January 2010 — which reached just over one million page views during the summer… Continue reading Interactive tool gets one million hits
Q Centre’s open house welcomes new faces
By Riley Hill
With the beginning of a new school year, students are introduced to a variety of campus services and support. Among these is the Q Centre, the University of Calgary’s centre for sexual and gender diversity, which had an open house on September 6 that brought new faces through their doors. The open house showcased the space… Continue reading Q Centre’s open house welcomes new faces
Engineering competition comes to the U of C
Showcasing innovative research from around the world, the Institution of Engineering and Technology will be holding its regional final for the Present Around the World competition at the University of Calgary — the first time a regional final has been held in Western Canada. Organized by the IET, the PATW is a presentation competition involving… Continue reading Engineering competition comes to the U of C
Update: Quebec elections and student riots
By Fabian Mayer
Students are heading back to universities and colleges across Canada to resume their post-secondary studies. In Quebec, however, this annual return to school is anything but business as usual. There were extraordinary events during the previous school year in Quebec, with student strikes and hundreds of thousands marching through the streets of Montreal. The actions of… Continue reading Update: Quebec elections and student riots
Peer mentor program continues to expand
By Riley Hill
Looking to build tomorrow’s leaders on campus, the Emerging Leaders Program at the University of Calgary has more mentors and more first-year applicants than ever before. Mentors help first-year students get the most out of their university experience. This year, over 330 first-year students applied for the program, and about 183 people are currently working as… Continue reading Peer mentor program continues to expand
Stör reopens with new options
After months of renovations, Stör reopened on September 10. Stör is larger and will now be selling healthier food options. Currently, there are few products within the store, but as the weeks go on it will be at capacity with new options. “There is a small amount of product in Stör right now, but we are expanding… Continue reading Stör reopens with new options